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“Well the answer is, because I wanted to”, Mother defends her decision to pierce her baby daughter’s ears while the newborn was still in the hospital after facing criticism from her followers

As a parent, you are entitled to make decisions for your little one. But of course, not everyone has to agree with the decisions you make. When parents make decisions for their children, they will never tell them to do wrong. No parent ever wants their child to go in the wrong direction and be hurt later, which is why they show so much caution. Parents are their children’s caretakers, they have all the right to make decisions for their children. But, when you broadcast your decision to thousands of people who follow you on social media, there are some that would disagree with your decisions.

Baby Lara was born in January and her mom, who was not named, has amassed over 822,000 followers on TikTok. The mother often shares videos of her newborn baby. The 4-month-old baby is a big star on social media because of her mom posting videos of their daughter on the platform, the New York Post reports.

Last week, the baby’s mother reportedly posted a video of her newborn child growing up, comparing a video of when she was just born in the hospital to her at 4-months-old to give her followers an idea about her growth. Unfortunately, many of her followers didn’t like one thing Lara’s mother did when baby was just under 24 hours into the world.

Many of her social media followers noticed the videos of when Lara was barely 24 hours old showed that she had her ears pierced. A lot of people expressed concern over the fact that a baby that was barely a day old had their ears pierced.

Lara’s mother reportedly told Newsweek: ‘There are a lot of mischievous comments. ‘Why did I pierce my little girl’s ears so young?’ “Well the answer is, because I wanted to. I think a few days after birth is much more non-traumatic for a child to pierce their ears than when they are one or two. Lara had no reaction when the doctors gave her the holes.”

But, many of her followers expressed concerns and a lot of them were upset by such a young baby having her ears pierced. Some people said that it is normal in certain cultures to have the ears of little babies pierced when they are born. People still expressed their concern and were upset with Lara’s mother about her decision, saying they thought the baby should have been able to choose herself when she grew up about whether she wanted her ears pierced.

One of her followers reportedly wrote: “I just do not get it. And it hurts just like when they are older! Don’t kid yourself,” while another said, “It’s their decision if they want their ears pierced, or is it? I’m going to let my babies decide when they understand these things”

“I’m glad I wasn’t forced to get my ears pierced as a baby. It should be the choice of the child,” wrote one user.

Other people also agreed with the mom and pointed out how traditions vary from culture to culture. Every parent has different ideas on how to raise their child.

“In our culture/family, we also have ears pierced as soon as they are born.” one of her followers said.

According to the AAP, there’s little risk to the baby’s health if the piercing is done carefully, and aftercare is vital. The AAP does recommend waiting until a child is old enough to take care of the piercing themselves and to watch out for any complications, the New York Post reports.