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The state of Kansas expects to receive over 120,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses this week

Lawrence, KS – According to the statement, our state was projected to receive 32,760 Pfizer prime doses, 32,760 Pfizer second doses, 27,800 Moderna prime doses and 27,800 Moderna second doses this week.

According to the latest report, 15.1 percent of the state’s population have received one dose of COVID-19 vaccine through March 5. There were 439,127 persons who received one dose, and 219,306 persons who received a second dose.

Kansas distributed 837,340 doses and the federal pharmacy program distributed 178,600 doses since the beginning of vaccine distribution, for a total of 1,015,940.

Two health centers in Kansas are receiving allocations. The program is directed to follow county prioritization protocols within Phase 2.