Lawrence, KANSAS – According to the statement, Gov. Kelly announced actions her administration has taken to ease the burden on families affected by the nationwide infant formula shortage. S
State officials said that Gov. Kelly has instructed agencies to work with their federal counterparts to expedite relief.
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has taken a leading role in working with the White House, the National Governors Association, the United States Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration, the National Women, Infants, and Children Association, and private industry to help coordinate efforts and eliminate red tape.
KDHE has implemented a series of waivers to provide the maximum flexibility in making more infant formula products, including Ready to Feed formulas, available to Kansans and has approved additional formula products for use by Kansas WIC families.
The agency is also working with the Kansas Department for Children and Families on increased communication efforts to inform the public of possible alternatives.
The Kelly Administration, including KDHE, recommends the following to families struggling to find the formula they need to feed their child:
- Call your OBGYN or pediatrician to see if they can provide any resources to access formula or for suggestions on an alternative formula to meet your infant’s health needs.
- Switch to another brand or type of formula that is available if recommended by your infant’s physician.
- Contact your local WIC agency to see if the infant is eligible for WIC benefits.
- Contact smaller stores and drugstores that carry formula to see if they have products in stock.
- Kansas WIC families should contact their local health department or health agency for assistance in receiving substitute products when needed.
Families are strongly encouraged not to unnecessarily stockpile formula in such a way that would cause further strain on the supply chain.