Woman claims her younger sister, who has a rare disease and has been struggling to find care, was billed an extra $40 just for crying during her visit. The woman, who is a famous YouTuber, shared on her social media account that her ‘little sister’ reportedly got emotional because she feels frustrated and helpless. “One tear in and they charged her $40 without addressing why she is crying, trying to help, doing any evaluation, any prescription, nothing.” the woman said.
The YouTuber from New York City, Camille Johnson, shared on her Twitter account that her sister, who was not identified, had gone to see her doctor after struggling with a recent health problem related to her rare disease. Unfortunately, the woman got emotional and reportedly shed a tear during their consultation, The New York Post reports. Later, the unidentified woman saw the bill from the hospital and realized she had been charged for a ‘brief emotional/behavioral assessment.’
The YouTuber from New York City, Camille Johnson, shared on her Twitter account:
“My little sister has been really struggling with a health condition lately and finally got to see a doctor. They charged her $40 for crying. She has a rare disease so she’s been really struggling to find care.
She got emotional because she feels frustrated and helpless. One tear in and they charged her $40 without addressing why she is crying, trying to help, doing any evaluation, any prescription, nothing.
They charged her more for crying than they did for a vision assessment test. They charged her more for crying than for a hemoglobin test. They charged her more for crying than for a health risk assessment They charged her more for crying than for a capillary blood draw.”
According to The Mirror, Johnson’s Tweet got a lot of attention and many people expressed their opinion:
“Sending your sister so much love. I have a rare disease as well, and it’s impossible to go over my symptoms or ask for help from the doctor without some emotionally upheaved tears. This billing practice is inhumane. Thank you for speaking out about this.” one person said.
The YouTuber from New York City, Camille Johnson reportedly replied: “Nobody should have to suffer with health issues without knowing if they will ever be able to afford help.”
“No human being should have to go through this. I do hope someday Americans will realize freedom is to not have to worry about education, health care and housing.” another person wrote.
Another Twitter user wrote: “so….wait, there is a medical code in the insurance files for crying?”