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Mother hid her son’s corpse under a pile of clothes in his bedroom for 2 months

Months had passed since anybody had seen or heard from the 19-year-old Dominic. The search for the missing teenager began in September 2020, and his mourning father remembers looking everywhere he possibly could to find his son. “We went from searching woods, to beds and apartments, to me questioning his school friends, to me putting up posters all over the neighborhood,” the father, Marcus said.

Before his disappearance, the boy was living with his mother and her husband Robb. When Marcus saw that their search for the teenager was leading nowhere, he went to Kenya’s Fenton Avenue home in Cincinnati, Ohio, and demanded that she tell him where their son is. “I asked her, ‘Where is my son?'” Marcus recalled. “She got upset because I am there asking about my child. I knew instantly something wasn’t right then.” A couple of months later, the police found a dead body decomposing inside Kenya’s house; the corpse was hidden under a pile of dirty clothes, and to prevent the stench from coming through, Kenya and her husband had the room sealed off.

On the day Marcus was told about the body by the police, the father revealed: “He said there was a body in the house. It’s badly decomposed. We found it under a pile of dirty clothes, and that entire area was infested with bedbugs.” Fully believing that the body, which showed signs of torture, were the remains of his son, the father also added, “I almost fell to the ground. My cousin had to literally catch me.”

Even before authorities confirmed that it was his son’s body, Marcus was sure it had to be Dominic’s remains and went on to say, “The first thing that came to my mind was, ‘What was going through your head when you all did whatever you all did? What happened for all of this to take place like this to the point where you all not only hide him under a pile of dirty clothes, you all sealed him in his bedroom?’ My emotions were running so high that day, all I saw was red.”

Eventually, officials were able to confirm that it was Dominic’s body that was decomposing inside his mother’s house before it was finally found in December, leading to Kenya and her husband’s arrest.

Now, April 2021, Kenya was charged with murder and assault in connection with Dominic’s death.

Sharing a message to the mother of his child and her husband, Marcus previously said, “You all will get what you all got coming to you. You all didn’t just take away my child. You took away the gift that God gave me. You took away my daughter’s best friend. You took away the nephew of all of my sisters and brothers. You all took him away from all of the people who loved him… and for what?” “He loved helping everybody. He was a wonderful child,” added the grieving father. “He was a happy child… I am proud to be his father.”