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Mother decided to leave her 10-week-old baby to friends so she can spend a week with her boyfriend, baby dies of dehydration while the ‘friends’ spent all the formula money on weed

According to the prosecutors, instead of buying formula for the infant they were babysitting, a couple spent their money on marijuana. The couple from Washington now face murder charges in the infant’s death. The couple was suppose to take care of the 10-week-old baby, while the child’s mother spent the week in California with her boyfriend. Unfortunately, the baby died on February 17 from dehydration and malnutrition.

According to the court documents, the child’s mother said that she had taken him to her friends’ apartment on Feb. 10. She had included clothes, diapers and five cans of formula. She also said that her baby regularly consumed one can every three days. The couple ran out of formula on Feb. 15 and asked the baby’s mother to send them money, but she had none to send.

The mother tried to arrange for an outreach worker to deliver formula for free, but the couple declined the offer because they didn’t feel comfortable having anyone come to their home. And, with the mother’s approval, the woman decided to feed the baby applesauce and oatmeal.

According to the court documents, receipts show the couple spent at least $75 on marijuana while they were caring for the infant. When officers asked them why he did not purchase formula, the man said, “We never got around to it”.

“Instead of purchasing needed formula for the newborn, Perez and co-defendant Bernard chose to spend their money on marijuana in the week the baby was in their care,” court documents say.

Prosecutors say that the night before the baby died, Perez took videos and picture of the listless, sick child lying in a large puddle of yellow liquid diarrhea and refused the plea of one of the baby’s relatives to call 911 after a video call in which the baby could be seen with blue lips. Both suspects, Nina Perez and Michael Bernard, were arrested Friday and charged with second-degree murder. They are being held on $1 million bail each. 

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