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Man shoots sister-in-law in the head after argument over laundry: “did a horrible thing”

It is common for arguments to take place between family members. Sometimes, these arguments do get serious and out of hand, but one such squabble catapulted out of control at a house in Oregon, which resulted in death. Alexandra was shot in the head by her brother-in-law after he had a fight with his brother over laundry. 

Shane Finnell, 25, was arrested at the scene in the city’s Portsmouth neighborhood just after 8:30 am on May 16. A statement from Portland Police states that Finnell remains in custody, and he has been charged with second-degree murder and unlawful use of a weapon. He was in the front yard of a neighboring home when officers responded to the shooting call.  

An arrest affidavit reports that Finnell allegedly told police, “I did a horrible thing,” moments after his arrest. Finnell’s brother and the victim’s husband, Jordan Arb, told the cops that the two of them had been arguing over laundry, and Finnell threw a potted plant at Jordan Arb during the argument.

Arb told the cops that his wife was sitting on a chair on the back patio facing away from Finnell, who allegedly walked over to Arb-Bloodgood and “shot her in the back of the head at close range with a revolver,” the court document said. There have been no clarifications from the police as to who lives in the address, but court records from a dismissed speeding citation show Finnell listed a home address in that same block a month ago.

The neighbor told the cops he was in his home when he heard a gunshot. When he went out to his front porch, he saw the suspect across the street, flailing his arms and looking upset. The neighbor told police that he asked Finnell what happened, and he replied that he had shot “Alex,” his brother’s wife.

When the neighbor questioned Finnell about the gun used in the shooting, he said it could be found in the front yard of the victim’s home. When police arrived at the scene, the neighbor directed them to the gun and told them he was instructed by Finnell to call 911. It was reported that Finnell sat in the neighbor’s yard until officers arrived.  

The woman’s brother said their family is trying to come to terms with their beloved’s unfortunate death.  “It’s the shock of something that should never happen to anyone, and you just never expect something like this to happen,” Matthew Bloodgood said.

Bloodgood said words couldn’t describe his “very feisty” sister and had a message for others in the wake of her tragic death. “If you ever have anyone that expresses any desire to hurt themselves or others, don’t hesitate to try to do something about it,” Bloodgood said. “I mean that’s the biggest thing we can pull out of it as far as a lesson.”

Sadly, this shooting marks the 33rd homicide case in Portland since the start of 2021, including a fatal shooting by a Portland police officer of a man in Lents Park in April.