LAWRENCE, Kan. – The U.S. Supreme Court struck down Texas’ election lawsuit on Friday. But, some Kansans are not happy state Attorney General Derek Schmidt got involved.
“We view this lawsuit to be a frivolous lawsuit that’s a waste of taxpayer money. It’s anti-democratic,” said Kansas Democratic Party Executive Director Ben Meers.
Kansas’ Attorney General joined more than a dozen other states in asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a case filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, attacking election procedures in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin— All four states, won by Democrat Joe Biden.
“We’re certain that President-elect Biden was rightfully elected and will be in the White House come January,” Meers said.
Kansas’ Attorney General said this in a statement on Friday:
“As I said Wednesday, Kansas filed a brief in this case, as we have in others, seeking an answer to an important and potentially recurring federal constitutional question involving the role of states in federal elections. My office also received more than 15,000 calls and emails urging us to ask the Supreme Court to hear the Texas arguments. Today, the Supreme Court decided not to become involved in the 2020 election, and the Court’s decision means it is time to put this election behind us.”
The suit cites disputed claims of illegal mail-in balloting, and voting.
Kansas turned red in this year’s presidential election, with more than 56% of the state voting to re-elect President Trump. But some Kansans are unhappy with the results in key battleground states.
Even some large groups storming the state’s capitol in defiance of President-Elect Joe Biden’s win, shortly after the election. And according to Kansas GOP Chair and lawyer, Mike Kuckelman, they have a good reason.
“In a presidential election, we need all 50 states to follow their election laws and to have constitutional elections, and to demonstrate that they have integrity in their elections,” Kuckelman said.
Kuckelman cited the extensive nature of the allegations in the lawsuit as a reason for the U.S. Supreme Court to thoroughly review the document, but justices rejected the lawsuit for lack of legal standing.
While the U.S. Supreme Court has dismissed the lawsuit, Attorney General Schmidt’s involvement has sparked political disagreement, after a divisive presidential election.
And some Kansans say pursuing the lawsuit has done more harm than good.
“Republican officials are being harassed in their own states, like Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania,” said KSNT political analyst and Washburn University professor Bob Beatty, as he spoke about the growing tension toward Republican election officials in the battleground states being targeted. “There’s a divide between Democrats and Republicans, but what is happening here is also really dividing the Republican party.”