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Governor Laura Kelly announces $750M in highway projects added to IKE development pipeline

Lawrence, KANSAS – According to the statement, Gov. Kelly joined Transportation Secretary Julie Lorenz to announce the addition of 25 highway modernization and expansion projects totaling $750 million to the development pipeline as part of the Kelly Administration’s bipartisan, 10-year Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program (IKE).

State officials said the pipeline announcement clears the way for preliminary engineering work to begin on these projects, which are located in every region of the state.

The governor’s release of the list of projects advancing within the IKE pipeline was made in tandem with two other Kansas transportation milestones: impact on Kansas transportation with passage of the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation (BIL) and the beginning of the construction process for all remaining T-WORKS highway projects.

Governor Laura Kelly released the following statement:

“These projects are in every region of the state – and they improve safety, expand economic development opportunities, and strengthen our communities.

My administration is committed to making short- and long-term infrastructure improvements to benefit future generations of Kansans – just as we rely on investments made by previous generations of Kansans.”

More information here.