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Gove. Kelly announced that the Kansas Historical Society has awarded $499,645 in Kansas Rural Preservation Grants to 15 projects in 13 counties

Lawrence, KS – According to the statement, the grants range from $9,450 to $50,000 and will be used toward structural repairs, roof replacement, window restoration, and masonry repointing.

The Kansas Historical Society received 62 applications totaling more than $2.5 million in requests from 37 counties.

Program requirements mandated that eligible properties must be in communities with populations of less than 30,000 and that applicants demonstrate the rural character of the community in their application.  

This program is being supported through a grant to the Kansas Historical Society from the National Park Service, Department of the Interior. Kansas was among eight states to receive the Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants in 2020.

A total of $4.8 million was awarded in to support the preservation of historic buildings in rural communities across America. Now in its second year, the Paul Bruhn Historical Revitalization Grant program was named for a former executive director of the Preservation Trust of Vermont.