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DCSO will accept expired or unused prescription and over-the-counter medications from the public from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday as part of National Drug Take Back Day

Douglas County, KANSAS – According to the statement, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office is partnering with the Drug Enforcement Administration for the 22nd Drug Take Back Day event.

Officials have announced that the event is free to the public and anonymous.

DCSO officials said that they cannot accept needles, sharps or inhalers.

Veterinary drugs are accepted.

The collection site will be in the drive-through parking lot between the Law Enforcement Center, 111 E. 11th St., and the Douglas County Courthouse, 1100 Massachusetts St.

The goal of the Drug Take Back Day event is to prevent unused or expired medications from sitting in homes where they are susceptible to being abused or misused by others or from being disposed in a manner that poses potential safety and health hazards to the public and the environment.

Anyone across the country can visit to find a collection site near you.

This is a developing story and it will be updated as new information become available.