LAWRENCE, Kan. – ArtsConnect will be hosting its first What Works Workshop on Sunday.
ArtsConenct says the “What Works Workshops” are part of Artist INC Topeka. It said it is inviting the public to join it at one of the exciting workshops where attendees can hear an overview of strategies to grow art businesses and sustain an art practice. It said the workshop is free and open to any artist that wants to participate.
According to ArtsConnect, attendees will also get a sneak peek of the curriculum that will be shown in the spring during the full Artist INC Topeka program. It said the workshop will be held on Sunday, Dec. 13, and will be presented by Sarah Hearn. It said the second workshop will be held on Jan. 4, 2021, and will be presented by Phil Shafer, aka SIKE STYLE.
ArtsConnect said the main presentation will be held via Zoom and will fill about an hour. It said a 30-minute session for questions will follow the presentation. It said Artist INC Topeka is a program of Mid-America Arts Alliance and is supported by the Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission.