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After having a son, “monster” mother put her daughter up for adoption because she “didn’t want” a girl

A woman left her family speechless when she announced on a video call with relatives about giving up her daughter for adoption. After having just given birth to a baby boy, the mother claimed that “she couldn’t care for two kids,” and hence, decided she would abandon one of them in the arms of whoever is ready to adopt her.

It was the mother’s sister, identified under the pseudonym Brianna, who wrote about the incident on Reddit. In her post, Brianna mentioned that her sister, referred to as Candice, had set up the video call to introduce her little one to the family after giving birth during the pandemic.

The call went splendidly, and everyone was excited to say hello to Candice’s newborn son. But the mood quickly changed when the family asked Candice if they could see her older daughter as well.

“My sister very quietly said that she didn’t have her because at the beginning of January she put her daughter up for a closed adoption because she couldn’t care for two kids,” Brianna wrote.

“Everyone lost it. The whole Zoom was a mess. We didn’t know,” the heartbroken aunt went on to say. “We never got to say goodbye. She didn’t have to do this because any one of us would have taken my niece.”

As she mentioned her sister’s cruel aversion to the idea of raising a girl, Brianna added, “I know my sister and I know deep down she just didn’t want a daughter. She was depressed when she found out she was having a girl but thrilled for this entire recent pregnancy with a boy. My sister always said she wanted to be a boy mom so she gave up her daughter to focus on that.”

After suffering multiple miscarriages and experiencing fertility issues, Brianna felt gutted hearing what happened to her niece, and she revealed that she would have willingly adopted her if Candice gave her the chance to.

“I’m currently pregnant, I am stable, own a home, and have the resources to take a toddler as well as have my baby,” Brianna mentioned in her post.

Utterly devastated during the call, Brianna wound up calling her sister a “narcissistic c**t” in front of all their extended family.

“I asked her when she’d get bored of the new baby and get rid of that one too,” Brianna went on to say. “I asked her how the hell she could do this without reaching out to the family. I called her a monster for making children she didn’t want to care for like they were a novelty.”

Following the call, Candice refused to speak to her family, but Brianna decided to do whatever she could to raise her niece herself.

“I didn’t realise how many options I had to fight this,” she said, adding that she would try to go after winning custody over Candice’s son as well. Although the situation has been a “nightmare,” Brianna declared that she was ready to “fight my sister” to win the custody of both her daughter and son.