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A Wisconsin man was sentenced to 205 years in prison for murdering 5 members of his family

According to the court documents, the 44-year-old man pleaded guilty last month to five counts of intentional homicide. On April 27, 2020, Stokes called 911 and told dispatchers that he’d killed his whole family. He called 911 and said: “Um, I just massacred my whole family. The gun is still upstairs with the bodies.”

The victims of the shooting included his girlfriend, Teresa Thomas; their son, Demetrius Thomas; Teresa’s daughter, Tiera Agee; Lakietha Stokes and Marcus Stokes. 

When police arrived, he was sitting outside with the only survivor, Teresa’s 3-year-old grandchild.

One of the arriving officers asked Christopher if he’d heard any of the shots.

“Yeah, I didn’t hear them,” said Stokes, according to the criminal complaint. “I did them.”

At his sentencing, Christopher Stokes was allowed to address the court.

He said:

“Don’t know what in the world came over me. Woke up and just had blood on my mind. It was, I don’t know. The reality is, I can’t take it back. I did the ultimate sin. I deserve to be locked up. I deserve everything I get. I’m not asking for no leniency or anything like that. I deserve it. No one in the world should have done what I did.”

He was sentenced to 40 years per victim, plus another five years for the illegal possession of a gun as a convicted felon.

Stokes had a lengthy criminal history that included felony battery, felony bail jumping, and felony intimidation of a witness in 2007.