According to the police officials, the 5-year-old victim was shot by his 6-year-old brother on Monday. Authorities said the siblings and another child were left alone in a bedroom with an unsecured firearm. Investigators said that a parent legally owned the gun used in the shooting. Three young children were left unsupervised in a bedroom where an unsecured gun was located. The County Medical Examiner’s Office ruled his death a homicide and his cause of death was a gunshot wound to the head and neck.
The 5-year-old boy from Pennsylvania, Connor Wolfe, was shot right after 5 p.m. inside the residence, according to reports.
‘There was children playing in the back bedroom when one of the children was shot,’ Lt. Costa said.
The County Medical Examiner’s Office ruled his death a homicide and his cause of death was a gunshot wound to the head and neck.
Investigators said that a parent legally owned the gun used in the shooting. Three young children were left unsupervised in a bedroom where an unsecured gun was located, investigators said.
The case now will be handed over to the district attorney’s office, which will decide if any charges will be filed.
Connor Wolfe was a kindergarten student in the PH School District. The district released the following statement Tuesday morning:
“The School District confirms the passing of our kindergarten student Connor Wolfe yesterday. We ask all members of our PH community to remember Connor and his family in your thoughts and prayers. Counselors and Social Workers will remain accessible for students and staff who need extra support during this very difficult time.”